Tuesday, August 5, 2014

July 2014

July was another fun month for us...especially Lee and me!  Here's what we did this month:

The first week started off with our weekly small group Bible Study, hosted Lee's staff party at our house, had a fun pool play date with the Pitliks, the start of Lee's 10-day vacation, July 4th, meeting sweet Baby Mckay for the first time, family day at the golf course and pool at Tanoan Country Club, me hitting the 20-week (halfway point in pregnancy!) with sweet Baby #2, Lee attending a friend's birthday party, and a family movie and lunch date to Fireside Subs after church.

The second week of July was super fun for Lee and me.  My mom flew into town to watch Landon for the week so Lee and I could have a vacation together, just the two of us.  We drove to Telluride, Colorado.  It was so nice to be in cooler weather with my love.  While we were there we had a couple's massage at our resort, The Peaks, took the gondola into town several times (sometimes several times a day!), ate at lots of amazing restaurants, had a s'mores picnic around the firepit at our favorite restaurant one night, relaxed pool side, hiked, played golf, went to an old, historic, one-theatre, movie theatre and saw the movie "The Chef", watched two world cup games, and took a nap every afternoon during the rain storm.  It was a perfect, relaxing time with my love!

The following week was pretty busy and filled with a zoo playdate with the Nunns, cooking dinner for our neighbors, my monthly doctor's appointment, Landon's hair cut, having the Harringtons over for dinner, my anatomy ultrasound (it's another sweet baby boy for us!), Lee flew to Houston for work and just for 26 hours, dinner with our former pastor at our church in Tucson, hosting the Schulls for the night, golf and pool at the country club after church, and Lee's UNM Foundation's staff picnic at the Isotopes baseball game.

The last little bit of July consisted of a Mommy and Landon date to the aquarium and Chick Fil A, another Mommy and Landon date to the Zoo and Chick Fil A again, family date night to a local pizza place and the park, lunch with Lee, double family date with the Nunns to the pool with dinner and root beer floats, spent a day in Santa Fe at the Children's Museum, golf and pool family time after church, Landon's first dentist appointment with Dr. Steve, weekly small group Bible Study, lunch with Christine at the Grove Cafe, Lee in Las Vegas with the 6th Man, and finally the grand opening of the new UNM Tennis Stadium.

As you can see, July started and ended with a bang!

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