July was a fun, crazy, and emotional month for us. We started off the month by moving into a furnished rental house here in Albuquerque for what we thought would be for the next two months while we continued to try and sell our Tucson home. As it turns out, this house did not have central air conditioning but rather a "swamp cooler" and we all know that was not going to last with a 7 months pregnant Lacey.....so, we spent the first few days looking for a permanent rental house in the Q that has air conditioning. We finally find one and all is well with that emotional roller coster!
The rest of the first week of July looked like this for us: I started really heavily working in Lee's office on his auction that is coming up at the end of August, shopped for rental homes in ABQ, picked up Lee's new co-worker from the airport and showed him around town, visited our country club to layout by the pool and hit golf balls, more Auction meetings, went to our first Isotopes (minor league baseball team in ABQ) game, had my first doctor's appt for Landon and loved my new doc, and lunch with the auction ladies. That weekend was pretty low key also.
The second week in July got really crazy when Lee told me his new co-worker would be moving in with us in our rental house for the remainder of the month. Thankfully, I liked Reggie or that situation could have been really uncomfortable! I had my lovely glucose test for Baby Landon to start off the week (yuck!), lots of auction meetings, auction menu tasting at the hotel (yum!), and more auction meetings. That Saturday I also flew to Dallas to start off my 8-day stay in Texas.
Speaking of Texas, it was sooooo good to be back home for a little while. I think that's the longest I've been in Texas without Lee though. While in Texas, I had a baby shower in Houston and Dallas, worked on Auction stuff, shopped, relaxed, ate lots of tex-mex, wrote tons of thank you notes (great problem to have!), visited with family and friends, and just hung out with my momma, brother, and newphew. Here are a few pics....
Finally, the last week in July was equally as much fun as my week in Texas. After I went to doctor's appointments and worked on the Auction a bit, I flew to Las Vegas on Friday morning to spend the weekend with six of my Tucson girlfriends visiting one of our friends who moved there for the summer with her husband. We had a blast hanging out at our hotel, eating lots of good food, laying out at the pool, eating more food and desserts, getting a foot massage, and shopping. I even stayed an extra day with Betsy and Captain James to see what their life is like in Boulder City. James surprised me and took me for a helicopter ride over the Hoover Dam during one of his tours....so fun!
Hope you had a fun and crazy July too! August was just as great for us as well!
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