Saturday, July 31, 2010

July Jubilee

July has been another awesome month for us!!  We started off the month with Lee's softball playoffs, another furlough (unpaid) day for Lacey, dinner with the Provost's and their super cute baby girl, playing golf, attending Chrissy & Ben's 2nd Annual 4th of July party, and having two couples from our Sunday School class over on the 4th for dinner fireworks that were being fired off in our was so cool! :)

The second week in July started off with a bang too.  We went to Chase Field in Phoenix to see the Diamondbacks play the Cubs with our friends, The Dubs!  We sure had fun hanging out Jackson and Kenley!  Lee also had his weekly basketball game and band rehearsal for church on Sunday.  I attended my board mixer for work and had a long work week getting ready for my 4th annual golf tournament for work on that Saturday....which was a great success and 13 degrees cooler than last year's tournament!

In the third week of July Lee started teaching his summer school class, The Business of College Sports, at the University of Arizona.  Lee is so good at teaching....I just wish he would let me take his class.  Haha!  I worked late all week getting ready for my 19th Annual Steak & Burger Dinner at work.  Two work events two weekends in a row is REALLY hard and stressful.  Overall the dinner was a success with over 600 guests in attendance and lots of media coverage!  Lee and I also did a video filming for our church on Sunday which was a really neat experience.

The next week was a little quieter for us in a lot of ways.  Since Lee is teaching, he works late every night and comes home only to get ready for his class the next day.  I really feel for him and appreciate how hard he is working!  We had a 241 leadership team meeting at our house as well as had dinner with the Helphenstine's and Baby Payton.  We also went back to Phoenix on Saturday for another Diamondbacks game with the Ingrams and the Rohrets.  We had a blast and thanks to the Ingrams for inviting us!  On Sunday, Lee attended the Notre Dame Club of Tucson's Send-Off for the Tucson area students that are heading to ND this fall.  I heard it was super fun!

The last week of July was so relaxing for us.....that's so unusual but I loved it!  I was able to work out three times this week.  I can't believe that!  We also drove out to Vail, AZ to have dinner with the Pogue's at their house.  It's always so fun to be able to hang out with friends during the week.  The Lord has really blessed us with AMAZING friends out here in Tucson!!  We also had dinner at the Young's house on Friday night and attended sweet Payton's 1st birthday party on Saturday.  Can't believe tomorrow is going to be August 1st!  Summer is sure flying by so fast.

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