The first week in the month started out with a pool day with friends, going to our neighborhood play group for the first time, soccer for Landon, lunch with friends after church, dinner with some UNM donors/friends, speech therapy for Landon, sensory evaluation for Landon, Bachelorette finale party, Lobo Club board meeting, family dinner in Corrales, feeding therapy for Landon, feeding nurse home visit for Landon, foundation board reception, date night, more soccer for Landon, going to the circus, and a pool day at Tanoan Country Club. It was a busy start to the month!
The second week was filled with speech therapy for Landon, volunteer summit for Lee, family lunch at UNM Duck Pond, early intervention meeting, Lee going to Las Vegas for the 6th Man trip, neighborhood play group, soccer for Landon, Lobo football fan day, Lee's all-staff party, and a welcome back event for UNM student-athletes.
The following week was a little more low key for us. We had Landon's feeding therapy session, Landon's formal developmental evaluation by UNM's Early Childhood Evaluation Program, play date with friends at Explora (scientific based children's museum), Lee's Big Brother Big Sister training, hosted neighborhood play group, attended the Lobo Club Auction, and soccer for Landon.
The last week of the month was fun. It started off with me being sick and Landon having speech therapy but it ended with Landon and me in Texas while Lee had a busy week at work. While in Texas, Landon and I got to have lunch with mom, visit Granny at her Memory Care facility, play with Harley, get my hair cut, pick up mom's new car, lunch again with mom, dinner with Dad and his family, attend Granny's 80th birthday, and have dinner at Mi Cocina before we flew back to ABQ.
Hope you had a great August too!