The first week of the month started off with my mom and Lee's parents coming into town for Landon's dedication at the church. We had a great time having dinner out, cooking and more cooking, going to the UNM baseball game, Landon getting dedicated at church, and having a celebratory lunch.
The second week was very low key for us. Landon and I went to the Zoo, lunch with a friend, Lee went to Toas, NM for work, Lee and I attended the Coaches vs. Cancer Gala, and then we celebrated Mother's Day by having breakfast in bed, going to church, BBQ lunch on the back patio, taking a nap, playing outside in the water in the backyard, and having a date night with Lee at Bravo. It was such a great day and I'm so blessed by my husband and son. I am one loved Momma!
The third week of May was a little busier than the previous week. Landon had an occupational therapy appt, visited the aquarium and botanical garden with friends, dinner with Reggie & April, Lee played in two golf tournaments, and we attended Abby's high school graduation party.
The fourth week was filled with Harley's 4th birthday, lunch with a friend, Football Excellence Fund Dinner for Lee's work, UNM golf team send off, double date with Q & Kim, eye doc appt, going to Tingley Beach, playing in the water in the backyard.
The last week of the month started out with Memorial Day, attending the UNM baseball selection show, UNM baseball send off, going to the Zoo with the Clarks, another occupational therapy appt for Landon, and driving to Dallas!
May was great and June is already looking like another great month for us too!