Friday, March 23, 2012

February 2012

February started off our traveling month.  Landon and I took 3 trips in 4 weeks and Lee took 5 trips in 5 that's why I am a little behind on blogging for this month.

We started off February with a "normal" week, so to speak, before all the fun and craziness began.  We had a UNM Football Signing Day event to go to, I had lunch with a couple of girlfriends here, then we had a new-member class for joining our church and finally a superbowl party.

The second week marked a traveling week for all of us.  Lee's good friend from Notre Dame, Andrew, came in on Tuesday and then Landon and I flew back to Dallas on Wednesday to visit family.  It was my first time flying alone with Landon and he did great, as usual!  While I was in Dallas, Lee and Andrew went on a ski trip to Toas, NM.  They had a blast!  I had Landon's 5 Month Pictures taken while I was home along with seeing great-grandparents, dinner with my dad and grandmother, getting my hair done, a little shopping, and eating at my favorite restuarants.  Here are a few pics from our trips.

The third week marked Valentine's Day, Lee's trip to Dallas and Washington D.C. for work, UNM basketball game vs. UNLV, and our good friends from Tucson, Sarah and Jake Hawbaker, coming to visit us.  Lee and I actually got to go on a Valentine's dinner to Savoy but forgot to take pictures.  Go figure!  Thanks to Valerie and Bruce for watching Landon!

Finally, the last week in February came.  This is the week that Lee's parents and niece came in to visit us and we went on a ski trip to Wolf Creek and stayed in Pagosa Springs, CO at one of Lee's donor's house.  It was beautiful!  Landon and I hung out at the house during the day while everyone else skiied and then Lee and I spent all day on Saturday by ourselves while Lee's family drove back to ABQ.  It was a "mini family vacation" for just our family of three.  So fun!  We also had a UNM basketball game to go to that week as well as a "CAbi event" for a Coaches vs. Cancer fundraiser. Busy week!

February sure was fun but went by way too fast!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

January 2012

So, what's new....I'm a little behing on blogging this year.  Landon is not the best sleeper in the world so it's hard for me to get a lot of things done, like blogging.  Anyway, here's how our January went.

After the we flew back from Christmas in Texas, we had a low key first week in January with just a couple of UNM basketball games and a date night....yes, a date night.  Those are so rare these days but Landon is worth all the time and attention!

The second week was a little more exciting with my father-in-law's birthday, Lee's board meeting, and finally our long weekend trip back to Tucson.  It was SO fun seeing everyone and showing Landon where his first 6 months in utero were spent.  I'm sure he enjoyed the trip as much as we did! ;)  He was so great on the long car rides and we only had to stop a couple of times to feed him.  I'm so proud of him!

We drove into town on Friday night and went straight to dinner at Sauce and Frost with the Dubs, Steins, Welches, and Betsy.  We had a great time and laughed so much.  Then, on Saturday morning, we had breakfast at Cafe Torino with Camille and the Lorenzens before heading to the U of A basketball game and reception.  Landon did great for all of these events and even slept a little through the game.  Then we had dinner at Blanco with the Ingrams, Rohrets, and Secrests.  It was so nice to be back in everyone's company and it all just felt right.  Wish we all lived closer.  On Sunday morning we went to church and Sunday School at Casas and then had lunch at In-N-Out burger with everyone that could join us from class.  After that we just relaxed at the Lorenzen's house and then went to dinner with Ben and Chrissy at The that place!  Landon was a little fussy through dinner but I swaddled him and he went right to sleep.  Then, on Monday morning, Lee and Ben played golf while Landon and I went to breakfast with Alexis and Betsy.  Man, I miss those girls so much!  Finally, when Lee was done playing golf, we headed out of town and had lunch at eegee's with Richard before making the long drive back to Albuquerque.  Landon, once again, did great on the drive home!  Here are a few pics from that trip.

The third week was pretty low key as well.  We had a double date with the Nunn's and had Landon's 4 month check-up.  He weighed 12 pounds 9 ounces (10%),  24" long (25%) and his head was 40 cm (10%).  The doctor was worried that Landon is anemic because he's so, Landon had blood work done and he's perfectly healthy and his iron count is right in the middle of the range where it should be.  The doctor and nurses kept commenting on how happy Landon is and said he's the happiest baby they've ever seen.  That's the best compliment you can give new parents!  The doc also said we could start spoon feeding Rice cereal and stage 1 baby food to Landon.  We started with carrots, peas, sweet potaotes, green beans, squash, apples, pears, and bananas.  So far, Landon kind of likes carrots, sweet potatoes, and squah.  He HATED peas and green beans --  but has LOVED all the fruit.  My son has a sweet tooth....go figure!  Here's a pic from his doctor's visit.

Here are a few pics from his first Rice cereal eating experience



Finally, the last week in January was filled with my brother's birthday, two basketball games, a football event, getting the house cleaned (part of my Christmas present!), and a date night at Texas Roadhouse.  Hope your January was fun and eventful too!